community activists in Mozambique

Resilience in the Aftermath of Disaster in Mozambique

The MRR Innovation Lab is expanding an ongoing RCT to learn how communities recover from a disaster like Cyclone Idai and whether the program made communities more resilient and to extend USAID research on resilience measurement.

Assessing Seed System Resilience with Structured Genotyping in Uganda

An MRR Innovation Lab research team is leveraging recent advances in DNA fingerprinting to test maize and bean seeds from across supply chains in Uganda to identify leaks responsible for low-quality seeds reaching farms, creating an opportunity to enhance seed system resilience.

The Value of Linking Farmers to Maize Value Chains in Rwanda

In Rwanda, MRR Innovation Lab researchers are measuring the impacts of connecting farmers in maize cooperatives to large-scale processors to provide a stable market for newly harvested maize while increasing the quantity accepted for purchase.

Smoothing Seasonal Hunger through Planning in Zambia

This expansion of an ongoing project in Zambia expansion tests whether a low-cost planning intervention improves savings, shifts how families distribute household resources and whether the intervention changes how families make decisions at the next harvest.
fruit market in Uganda

Building Market Linkages for Smallholder Farmers in Uganda

This project aims to combine the market linkage services of a highly reputable private sector brokerage firm with high‐frequency data collection, an innovative digital trading platform and a set of contractual guarantees for smallholder farmers in Uganda.
Research in Nepal

Resilience in the Midst of Pandemic in Nepal

In Nepal, an MRR Innovation Lab research team is expanding its partnership with Heifer International to explore how rural families are coping, whether its programming increases resilience, and the challenges and opportunities for improving household resilience in the midst of a global crisis.  

Agricultural Insurance in Nepal

This feasibility study will determine in what contexts in Nepal the development impacts of insurance-based risk management strategies would be maximized, and will assess whether there is data available to create an effective index for an insurance product.
India farmer

Financial Initiatives to Help the Poor Manage Agriculture Risk in India

This research puts emphasis on extending access to all in order to make financial liberalization a strategy that helps all levels of society. The project also informs the development of weather insurance programs worldwide, as well as helps clarify the potential of futures markets to improve farmer welfare.