This study used a primary data of 820 farm households to examine the relationship between membership of water user association (WUA) and food security, using a quasi-experimental research design. The results indicate a positive association between WUA participation and household food security.
Development of irrigation infrastructure in the Senegal River Valley has led to a large increase in average cultivation rates, though widespread heterogeneity exists across projects. Limited access to water remains a major constraint on production.
Access to credit remains a significant hurdle for sub-Saharan African farmers. This study assessed credit utilization and the intensity of borrowing by irrigated rice farmers in the Upper East region of Ghana.
This study provides some of the first evidence on the effectiveness of a payments for ecosystem services (PES) program to encourage the adoption of soil conservation practices, specifically conservation agriculture (CA).
Small-scale fisheries in developing countries employ the majority of the world's fishers and are a critical source of income and nutrition for billions of people, yet they frequently suffer from overfishing. The team explores the mechanisms by which this undesirable outcome arises and argue that institutional reform should consider that resource users make jointly determined decisions about gear choice, including illegal ones, and harvest rates.
This presentation took place online on June 29, 2017 describing the additional questions requested from the Soil Variation and Why It Matters webinar after time for the webinar expired.
This presentation took place online on June 29, 2017 describing the questions and answers transcript for the Soil Variation and Why It Matters webinar.