Solutions Writing Internship for International Development at UC Davis

Research in the field of international development seeks solutions for many of the most pressing and challenging problems people face in the world, including poverty, food insecurity and conflict. Telling the stories of this work and its impact can play a powerful role in raising awareness about these challenges but also the growing body of tested and proven solutions.

Through it's Solutions Writing Internship, the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk & Resilience at UC Davis has hosted undergraduate student writers to tell stories about solutions that could have a positive impact worldwide.

Intern Features

Empowering Women in Nepal with Goats, Training and Community

Focusing development programs on women can have impacts that go beyond income and poverty. In Nepal, a Feed the Future research team found that a prominent asset transfer and training program had important impacts on women's empowerment.

Leveraging Machine Learning to Improve Livestock Insurance for Pastoralist Families

NDVI has been commonly used to build index insurance, a type of insurance that in the past decade has protected tens of thousands of pastoralist families in eastern Africa from drought. Now, a new technology may be on the brink of beating NDVI on predicting forage quality, and it comes from an entirely different field.

The Challenge of Taking Chickpea Innovations from the Lab to the Field

By transforming how chickpeas can withstand a complex set of problems, beyond just drought, researchers hope to aid smallholder farmers. But ultimately, getting these improved varieties to farmers in the field is a complex task that requires work beyond just the laboratory.