Citizen TV Kenya Features MRR Research on Insurance
On March 28, 2023, Citizen TV Kenya featured in-depth reporting from northern Kenya on the tragedy of ongoing drought as well as research from the MRR Innovation Lab and its partners that help people to secure their livelihoods.
The story included detailed explanations of Index-based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) (6:00), developed through a collaboration among researchers at UC Davis, Cornell University and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). In Kenya's pastoralist regions, IBLI provides the financial means for pastoralist families to keep their livestock alive in severe drought.
The story also features Takaful Insurance of Africa Limited president Sumayya Hassan discussing the concept of Village Insurance Savings Accounts (VISAs) (11:40), which the MRR Innovation Lab developed and is now testing in the field in partnership with Takaful.
Watch the video from Citizen TV Kenya.