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Event Date
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2033 K Street Northwest, George Washington University, Washington, DC 20006, USA
This I4 technical meeting in Washington D.C. brought together researchers and stakeholders of the Index Insurance Innovation Initiative at UC Davis.
- Using behavioral experiments to design index insurance
Michael Carter, UC Davis - Interlinked Credit and Insurance Contracts in Theory
Michael Carter, UC Davis - Interlinked Product Designs in Practice
Craig McIntosh, UC San Diego - Dual Strikepoint Contracts to Reduce Basis Risk in Mali: The Education of Cotton Farmers in Mali
Marc Bellemare, Duke University - Single Step Indemnity Schedule and Farmer Focal Points in Peru
Carolina Trivelli, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos - Sharing rules and demand in semi-formal groups
Daniel Clarke, Oxford University - Revisiting conventional insurance contracts in Ecuador
Steve Boucher, UC Davis - Year Two of IBLI in Kenya
Chris Barrett, Cornell University
Andrew Mude, ILRI - Evolving Educational Marketing Practices in Peru
Carolina Trivelli, IEP - USAID Interest in Index Insurance
Lena Heron, USAID - Market development in Ethiopia: changing regulatory structure and capacity building
Ruth Vargas Hill, IFPRI - Public Private Partnerships for Agricultural InsurancePublic-Private Partnerships for Agricultural Risk Management through Risk Layering: The Case of Ecuador
Steve Boucher and Elizabeth Long, UC Davis - Insurance and Poverty Traps in Pastoral Societies
Nobu Ikegami, ILRI
Sarah Janzen, UC Davis - Managing Risk in the Context of Climate Change
Nora Ferm, USAID - Perceptions and Participation: Randomized Encouragement Design and Demand for Index Insurance
Conner Mullally, Inter-American Development Bank
Participant list:
- Chris Barrett, Cornell University
- Marc Bellemare, Duke University
- Michael Carter, University of California, Davis
- Ken Chomitz, Independent Evaluation Group
- Daniel Clarke, Oxford University
- Nora Ferm, United States Agency for International Development
- Xavier Giné, World Bank
- Lena Heron, United States Agency for International Development
- Stephen Hutton, Independent Evaluation Group
- Munenobu Ikegami, International Livestock Research Institute
- Sarah Janzen, University of California, Davis
- Neha Kumar, International Food Policy Research Institute
- Elizabeth Long, University of California, Davis
- Craig McIntosh, University of California, San Diego
- Parendi Mehta, International Food Policy Research Institute
- Andrew Mude, International Livestock Research Institute
- Conner Mullally, Inter-American Development Bank
- Peter Ouzounov, International Food Policy Research Institute
- Marc Sadler, World Bank
- Carolina Trivelli, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos
- Ruth Vargas Hill, International Food Policy Research Institute
- Emily Zimmerman, EA Consultants