This ALL-IN project is measuring the impacts of large-scale land transactions in Ethiopia and identifying the communities and households who benefit and those who does not.
An ALL-IN research team in Ghana is testing an innovative bundle of supplemental irrigation and a complementary index insurance product to expands farmers’ overall drought protection.
This new ALL-IN study measures the socio-economic impact of Ghana’s government policy initiative dubbed “One Village, One Dam” (1V1D) implemented in Northern Ghana since 2017.
This ALL-IN project in Kenya is testing practical ways to encourage farmers to test their soils and to apply appropriate soil amendments, including an estimate of farmers’ willingness to pay for soil testing.
MRR Innovation Lab researchers are putting small-scale farmers in the lead in designing the most productive community incentive structures for adopting sustainable land management practices in Malawi.
This project will document the ways in which natural capital serves as informal insurance and a safety net against income variability and transitory shocks.
This project evaluates the impact of a rapid on-farm soil diagnostic kit developed by researchers and collaborators at Columbia University’s Agriculture and Food Security Center.
This project tests a novel approach to improving institutional performance by playing repeated experimental games, which may then alter patterns of coordination and cooperation for managing fisheries in Tanzania.