Presentation: Subsidies and The Persistence of Technology Adoption

Sub-Saharan Africa largely sat out the seed-fertilizer "Green Revolution" that swept through most of the developing world over the 1960-2000 period with tiny increases in yields of basic grains.  An example can be seen in Mozambique, which has been identified with a gaping 2-3 ton/hectare yield gap between what is possible with existing technologies and what farmers achieve.  Given the prevalence of poverty, the question is why this failure to adopt profitable technology exists, and what should be done about it.

This presentation is based on the AMA Innovation Lab projects for the Evidence to Action: Towards Data-informed Policy and Practice in East Africa. The purpose of the conference meeting is to promote evidence from rigorous impact evaluations and research to encourage increased uptake and utilization of research and innovation to influence policy and drive change at the national, regional, and global levels.

This presentation was presented in Nairobi, Kenya on May 24, 2017.