Paper: Perceived risk and risk management strategies under irrigated rice farming: Evidence from Tono and Vea irrigation schemes-Northern Ghana

The study investigated risk perception, adoption of risk management instruments and the intensity of adoption among irrigated-rice farmers in the Upper East Region of Ghana. A multistage sampling technique was employed to draw 477 farmers for the study. The perception index, multivariate probit and Poisson regression models were used for the analysis. The results show that the perception index score was positive (0.43), which implies that farmers agreed that various types of risk (production, marketing and financial risks) affect their farming. It was found that the farmers combined diverse techniques to manage risk. All the farmers were using improved varieties and agrochemicals, yet none had any form of agricultural insurance. Also, farmers’ socio-demographic, farm-level, institutional, risk perceptions and environmental changes have a significant and heterogeneous effect on risk management practice.