Position Title
Dean, GIMPA School of Public Service and Governance
- ALL-IN Principal Investigator
Samuel Adams is the dean of the School of Public Service and Governance at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). He has served and continues to serve on many national and international boards. He was a member of the United Nations Task Force on Sustainable Development Goals Curriculum Project (2017-2018), country reviewer for Ghana Global Transparency Initiative, and assessor for the National Accreditation Board. He is also an external examiner for many Ghanaian and international Universities. Adams has published research on various topics on privatization, decentralization, leadership, institutions, elections, economic growth and development, environment, energy, capital flows and democracy. He serves on the editorial boards of many local and international journals and he is also is a reviewer for over 30 journals. Adams holds a Ph.D. in Public Administration and Urban Policy with a minor in International Business from the Old Dominion University and a Master of Business Administration from Lincoln University.