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The need for more and better development research evidence has never been more crucial as Africa directs its efforts towards accomplishing the Africa Union’s Agenda 2063 and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Agenda 2030 beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Sound evidence is essential to inform policy making, development actions, and citizenry perception of the impact of the agendas.
The Evidence to Action 2022 conference shines a spotlight on learned experiences of adapting and innovating evaluation practice for evidence-based decision making within and beyond the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic and the post COVID recovery. Emerging lessons from rigorous research at the local, regional, and global levels would enable evidence-based policy that would lead to individual dignity and wellbeing, flourishing societies, and a planet Earth that is a thriving home for all.
Evidence to Action 2022 is an exciting forum for renowned research and evaluation professionals and development practitioners to promote the use of evidence for policy–making and practice in Africa through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic. Conference participants will be drawn from a diverse range of stakeholders working across Africa in research, monitoring, and evaluation.
Evidence to Action 2022 includes:
- Pre-conference workshops that facilitate professional development training for interested participants.
- Exhibitions of branded items, publications and evidence for innovation and development.
- Short paper presentations intended to generate dialogue around the use of evidence for policy making and propose new and innovative evaluation paradigms.
- Roundtable and panel discussions centered on the general theme and sub-themes of the conference.
- Poster presentations of research that include key questions asked, methodology, data, findings, recommendations and conclusions.
The Conference is being convened by the International Centre for Evaluation and Development (ICED) in partnership with the Uganda Office of the Prime Minister, Directorate of Monitoring and Evaluation; the Uganda Evaluation Association; the Makerere University College of Health Sciences; the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk & Resilience at UC Davis; the Campbell Collaboration; Innovations for Poverty Action; United States International University-Africa and other partners.
For more information visit https://e2a.iced-eval.org/