Presentation: Household-level Impacts of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Haiti

The basic elements involving saving on the inputs of seed, fertilizer and water include early transporting of seedlings 8-12 days old, shallow planting of seedlings, sparse planting of single seedlings on a 20 x 20 cm grid, and intermittent irrigation.  Because System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is both green and pro-poor, SRI has attracted substantial attention by NGI's and others. However, controversial among rice scientists who speak of the "rice wars" and unsubstantial field observations (UFO's).

This presentation is based on AMA Innovation Lab projects for the 2013 BASIS/I4 Technical Committee Meeting. This meeting gathered researchers affiliated with the Index Insurance Innovation Initiative (I4) at UC Davis.

This presentation took place in University of California Davis, United States.